Google Japan is featuring a special logo today for Hinamatsuri, also known as the Japanese Doll Festival or Girl's Day. The search result you are taken to when you click on the special Doodle is [ひな祭り].
The event is held on March 3rd every year.
A red carpet covers a platform with ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period. You can learn more about this historic event at Wikipedia.
Forum discussion at Google Blogoscoped Forums.
Meanwhile, those in Bulgaria are upset Google Bulgaria does not have a special logo for Bulgaria National day. The special day is every year on March 3rd. Representing the day of the Treaty of San Stefano of March 3, 1878.
Forum discussion at Google Web Search Help.
Finally, YouTube has a special logo today for YouTube Carnival. The logo takes you to
Forum discussion at Google Blogoscoped Forums.