Google's Chris Schrier took some photos of the Google Kirkland office recently and one of those photos stood out to me as interesting. So Google has rock climbing walls, that is not an unusual thing for Google, believe it or not. What I found interesting was the legal disclaimer next to the wall.
You need to really zoom into see it, so you can see the full size picture over here. But it seems to read:
The rock climbing wall is for Google employees and interns only (no contractors, temps, vendors or guests).It is Google's intent not to cover employees for worker's compensation benefits of injury due to voluntary participation in an off-duty recreational, social or athletic activity that is not part of their work related duties.
So it seems like Google will not cover injuries for non Google employees or interns but prefers not to even for employees and interns, but seems like they will if required. :)
The full size picture is on Google+.
This post is part of our daily Search Photo of the Day column, where we find fun and interesting photos related to the search industry and share them with our readers.