Back in 2003, I launched a first of it's kind, keyword tracking tool that used the official Google search API - it was the first to do keyword ranking in accordance with Google's terms of service (I believe). Later, many new tools came out and I stopped supporting ours but the point here is that I originally named it and was forced to shut it down and rename it Why, cause Google legal didn't want me using Google in a domain name.
It is rare to see Google used in a domain name these days, without it being owned by Google.
Martin Macdonald posted on Twitter that a new conference by PRNews is actually named the "Google Conference." It is hosted at and is named PRNews' Google Conference.
Heck, it even has two Googler speakers on the speaker list.
Martin said, "I'm confused" asking if this "is this anything to do with Google?" Former Googler, Pedro Dias, said on Twitter that this is a "legit concern."
@adamsinger Think it's a legit concern. In the past there were attempts to use Google's name 2 take advan @jenstar @searchmartin @mattcutts
— Pedro Dias (@pedrodias) February 9, 2015
Martin even added that this is misinformation:
@pedrodias @AdamSinger @jenstar @mattcutts SEO advice by PR industry represented as if from Google = misinformation, very bad for recipients
— Martin Macdonald (@searchmartin) February 9, 2015
Steve Goldstein, a spokesperson for PRNews said that this conference "isn't an official conference presented or sponsored by Google."
@pedrodias @searchmartin @PRNews @AdamSinger Speaking for PR News, this isn't an officialconference presented or sponsored by Google
— Steve Goldstein (@SGoldsteinAI) February 9, 2015
Jennifer Slegg has it right, if Google does let this go, you'll see tons of new SEO conferences pop up named
@searchmartin @pedrodias @PRNews @AdamSinger @mattcutts Wow, if this is allowed, suddenly every SEO conference will be a "Google" one.
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) February 9, 2015
Just a shame for a conference to change its name midway through their marketing efforts.
Forum discussion at Twitter.