This Google News Help thread is a couple weeks old but I just spotted it today.
In short, Google News has a section for Ron Paul News and at the top, places a recent quote. Back then, the quote they pulled was extremely racist and misquoted.
It read, ""If you have ever been robbed by a black teenage male, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be."
Here is a picture:
You and I know that Google pulls these quotes via an algorithm and this was not done maliciously by Google. We know sometimes algorithms aren't perfect and can pick up text that is not proper. This is one of those cases.
But to people who do not understand that, both as Ron Paul supporters and non-supporters, this can look really bad.
One person said in the Google News Help forum:
This was never spoken by Ron Paul, and should not be displaying Inaccurate and Misleading racist quote to Millions of Google users. Can anyone post a news article with "questionable content" and then have Google use it to deface an individual just because of one authors prejudice? Please remove this, it has been showing for days, I would hope Paul himself would take legal action against Google for something of this nature.
Forum discussion at Google News Help.