Google announced on Twitter that they have increased the maximum results of results or rows of data you can get per request from the Google Search Analytics API to 25,000 results. If I remember correctly, it use to be 5,000 rows of results per request, so that is a 20,000 row increase, which is a lot.
Google also improved and added developer documentation on how to get this data from the Google Search Analytics API.
Google wrote on Twitter, "we recently increased the max results/request to 25k and put together a guide for getting all your site's data" for the Search Analytics API.
Are you using the Search Console Search Analytics API ⚙️? We recently increased the max results/request to 25k and put together a guide for getting all your site's data. Check it out & play with some code!
— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) July 13, 2018
Google also said they will be included "filtered" queries as "other" in the API. Google said this makes things like pagination easier and clearer when comparing query data:
Also, FYI: coming in about a month, we'll be including filtered queries as "(other)" in the API. This makes pagination easier, the numbers clearer, but might be confusing when comparing queries before/after.
— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) July 13, 2018
Forum discussion at Twitter.