Today is St. Patrick's Day and for the first time that I can remember, Google and Yahoo are missing special logos on their main US sites. Google and Yahoo have always had special logos for the day, so why is today different? Maybe out of respect for the events in Japan? I am not sure.
But just see our archives of logos for St. Patrick's Day, including the 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004 archives.
That is not to say that Google doesn't have a logo for St. Patrick's Day on Google Ireland, they do and it looks like this:
But Yahoo UK & Ireland does not have a special logo. I hope their logo designer is feeling well.
Update: I am wrong, I just don't see the logo because I am in the U.S. but they do have a logo. Thanks @beyondcontent for the hat tip.
Microsoft Bing has a theme:'s theme:
Search Engine Roundtable:
Why do you think Google and Yahoo are missing logos?
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