Steve Morgan - The Search Community Honors You

May 30, 2018 - 7:22 am 0 by
Filed Under Honor An SEO/SEM

Steve Morgan

This is part of the say something nice about an SEO/SEM series - feel free to nominate someone over here.

Steve Morgan 32 years old, lives in Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom with his wife Emma, who works in insurance and their two young boys. He also wanted to thank his parents, Bernard & Marilyn, who he said "supported me massively over the years, especially since going self-employed (as they're self-employed themselves, and so helped me out with a lot of advice in the early days)."

Steve is probably most well known for the Cardiff SEO Meet, where is organizes SEO meetups in Cardiff, South Wales with a member base of almost 500 people. They host a nice number of meetups throughout the year in that region. Steve also has his own blog, where has has produced tons of SEO content over the years. He is very active in sharing on social media and works hard to make improvements not to his own SEO skillset but always is trying to help others get better.

He was nominated anonymously:

He was one of the people who helped me build my own agency a long time ago, as well as being a great guy he organises Cardiff SEO Meet in the UK which is a fast growing meet-up to help people in the Cardiff scene learn SEO and increase their ROI through smart digital marketing. Overall a great and very kind guy that although never wanted to build a large agency is a very highly technical and smart SEO consultant.

Steve Morgan Bio: Steve Morgan is a freelance SEO consultant based in Cardiff, South Wales, UK. Having been working in SEO for nearly 10 years, he's been freelancing - under the name Morgan Online Marketing - since 2013. He also launched Cardiff SEO Meet back in 2016, which has just run its 7th event.

Favorite thing about the SEM community? Its generosity. There's such a willingness to share with others, so that we can learn from one another. And at events and conferences like brightonSEO, everyone is so friendly with one another (even rival companies and agencies). I love it.

One piece of advice to the SEMs out there? Don't just work on your employer's or clients' sites - start a blog or site of your own. I learnt so much more about SEO after setting up my own blog and playing around with that. Create and work on side-projects in your own time if you can.

Favorite things in general? Color - Green (although the teenager in me wants to say black, haha!)

Food - It's a tie between Chinese takeaway and BBQ ribs

Drink - Coffee in the day, red wine in the evening

Thing to do - At the moment it's going on epic walks while playing Pokémon GO (yep, I'm still playing it...!)

Music - Rock music! Bands like The Wildhearts, Rocket From The Crypt, The National, etc. etc.

Video Game - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and anything from the Final Fantasy series

TV show - Attack on Titan

What you want to be known for in the SEM space? Ooo that's a tough one... I've always been a bit of an SEO all-rounder, and these days I blog less about the intricacies of SEO and more about freelancing/self-employment, running events, etc. One thing I like doing is creating big impact but low-budget content marketing campaigns for clients. I gave a talk at brightonSEO a few years back about one that I did. I love trying lots of different types and formats of content, and seeing what works well and what doesn't - whether that's its performance on organic search, social media, as a link building asset, and so on.

To learn more about Steve, check out his blog or his freelance site and connect with him on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

This is part of the say something nice about an SEO/SEM series - feel free to nominate someone over here.


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