Vlog #46: Chris Boggs - US Marine Turned Expert & Seasoned Search Marketer

Feb 17, 2020 - 8:45 am 2 by

Chris Boggs

I’ve know Chris Boggs (@boggles) for over 15 years, he owns a company named Web Traffic Advisors. He is a great and smart individual that cares deeply about the SEM industry.

He was a United States Marine and when he got out of the US Marines Corps he had a friend that had a health insurance agency. So they decided to sell health insurance online and they did well. He then got a marketing degree and moved East and eventually worked at Avenue A/Razorfish and then Rosetta, then he worked for Internet Marketing Ninjas and then formed his own business five-years ago named Web Traffic Advisors.

He said he learned a tremendous amount at his previous companies and it helps him run his own agency. So he credits a lot of his success today to his history and experience. But the biggest difference he sees when working solo is that he can sell in a different way, specifically selling on subject matter expert hours versus administrative type of hours.

Chris is a big community guy, he was one of the few authors on the Search Engine Roundtable in the early days. He has been on the board of SEMPO for 12 years, which has just been taken over by the Digital Analytics Association. He has spoken at many SEO events to help educate the industry.

Technical SEO has grown a lot, he said it use to be that Google USA was ahead of the rest of the world. Now, he said, Google’s algorithms and how SEOs react to that, is pretty much on the same level no matter where you are - in the US versus the rest of the world. It use to be that USA SEOs were more ahead of the game, but that might have changed with hreflang and more technical SEO. The power of technical SEO is amazing and he said often it can result in seriously winning the top placement in Google search. Internal links is the secret sauce these days to a site doing well, above other things.

Chris also does PPC and he does a lot of Google Ads. We went through some of the different match types and how things constantly changing with Google Ads. He loves to get his hands dirty in the console and see what Google is up to. Google Ads work so well, more so on mobile.

Here is the interview, hope you like it:

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