Vlog #145: Bryan Cush On Create Content Using Medical Databases & Local Search For Health

Nov 8, 2021 - 7:54 am 0 by

Bryan Cush Part2 Small

In part one, Bryan Cush, the co-founder of Tidal Health Group, and I spoke about how to use health data for content and search marketing and here we dig into using medical databases, local search and E-A-T & YMYL.

How To Create Content Pages Based On Medical Databases:

Then they construct pages for consumers and to rank in search - for these terms. We discuss how he goes about creating these pages. Often they will create pages that has many of the variations on the same page and will only expand on that if there is enough supportive and unique content to warrant it. He said 90%+ of the work in building sites is done in a spreadsheet and not in the actual content, coming up with the taxonomy and the relationship database. Mapping how the client defines what they do, to how consumers are looking for it.

Local Search in Health:

A lot of their work also is done in local search because there are high intent searches lead to local search. So like “near me” queries, such as “urgent care near me” and so forth. So here, they build out local pages and use structured data here to help Google understand the business.

He said 11% of the appointments their clients generated were driven through Google My Business, and for every one provider appointment, there were seven brand appointments. 38% of the traffic to these health care facilities were driven through organic web search, medical profile sites like WebMD, ShareCare, etc were 9%.

E-A-T & YMYL For Healthcare SEO:

I asked Bryan, how in the world does he get a doctor to put his or her name on a piece of web content. He said they are able to get doctors to write, some are just good at it, some need to be trained, and sometimes they have people produce the content. The schema will convey if it is written by a doctor or reviewed by a doctor, in every case. 10-20% of the doctors they work with write their own content, which is why they hire a lot of content writers at Tidal. We then went off on a tangent about doctors in general.

But what Tidal does it really promote and more importantly, translate, what the doctor is doing in his practice, in medical journals, at conferences, for marketing pieces for consumers on the web site. These doctors would do all this great work and leave it all within the medical community; Tidal brings it to light.

We discussed the topic of how does Google know if a doctor legitimately wrote a piece or if it is a fake. He spoke about a Google patent on the topic. He thinks some of this is related to structured data - which took us off on another topic on giving up all your data to Google. I think how Google determines something to be legit is not based on structured data but rather about general consensus on the web as a whole. He shared his theory on how Google knows this, including using schema that might not be officially approved by Google.

More to come in part three next week.

You can learn more about Bryan Cush at Tidal Health Group.

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