Yahoo posted on Twitter under its Yahoo Search account, "Just popping in to remind everyone that we did search before it was cool. BRB making it cool again." Is that some sort of tease that Yahoo is about to announce something big with web search?
Here is that tweet:
Just popping in to remind everyone that we did search before it was cool.
— Yahoo Search (@YahooSearch) January 20, 2023
BRB making it cool again.
Yahoo was the first big site to help web users find websites on the internet. Yes, it was the Yahoo Directory that launched 29 years ago in January 1994. Yahoo shut it down in 2014. On April 7, 2003 Yahoo started to crawl the web with its own web crawler. Before that, in 2003, they purchased Overture (similar to what Google Ads is). Ultimately, the deal with Microsoft and Yahoo deal, Yahoo Search as a real player dropped out of the game.
So what is next from Yahoo Search? Who knows but it would be wonderful for them to announce something cool - it would make me smile.
We have an SEO running the search product. Expect big things.
— Joe Pawlikowski (@joepawl) January 23, 2023
Forum discussion at Twitter.